How to Make Honey Garlic Salmon In the Oven

Photo of honey garlic salmon - Frolic & Courage.

This honey garlic salmon recipe was baked beautifully at home in my oven! Just like the lemon pepper garlic salmon and my soy sauce salmon, trust and believe this tasty baked honey garlic salmon recipe is a super easy salmon recipe to make in the oven over and over again! With simple ingredients, you’ll learn, step-by-step,

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How to Make Baked Soy Sauce Salmon

Photo of baked soy sauce salmon. Frolic & Courage.

This baked soy sauce salmon recipe is a super easy salmon recipe to make in the oven time and time again. With simple ingredients, you’ll learn, step-by-step, how to make baked soy sauce salmon that will impress you and your guests on every occasion!

If you’ve ever wondered…

What’s an easy salmon recipe?How do I bake salmon in the oven?How do I make baked soy sauce salmon?How do I bake soy sauce salmon in foil?Aside from lemon pepper salmon,

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Homemade Sweet Potato Fries

Let’s be serious- who doesn’t like sweet potato fries? And wouldn’t it be great if you can have as many sweet potato fries as you want?
I thought so, too, so hun and I (see how I slipped that in? I’m dating a wonderful guy, more about that later) decided to make a large batch of fries on a glorious weekend.

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Eggplant Parmesan? Sure, Why Not.

Do you ever notice certain times of the day, or days, when you’re better at a particular thing than others? Like relaxation, for example. Some people are at their best in the morning and others (like myself) are night owls. Or studying. Some like to have peace and quiet and others like loud music. Or cooking,

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