The Making of “Me Mondays”

Feet crossed on a chair in a park. A sandwich rests in the foreground.

When you’re angry, tired, and stressed out something needs to change. Immediately.
That was me just about every day. I woke up feeling like I didn’t get enough sleep and there were too few hours in the day to get what I needed done. At work it felt like everybody needed something from me. Emails, phone calls,

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51 Days Married

Bride and Groom with heads together under a cherry blossom tree.

What are the first 51 days of marriage like? I don’t even know what to say sometimes. I’m happy, grateful, humbled, thankful, and honored to tears that God blessed me with a wonderful man. After our honeymoon we slowly began to reintegrate into society, navigating the new world as a first-time married, no kids having couple.

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Fear of Getting Married

Close up photograph of me holding a white rose bridal bouquet.

It doesn’t make sense. I spent my single years enjoying life while simultaneously praying for a spouse, but within the first few months of getting engaged, at times, I have felt panic and fear regarding my upcoming marriage. What is that about?
When we first got engaged I felt this swift bout of panic enter my bloodstream.

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Things to Do While Single

Bouquet of purple flowers

One beautiful evening just before bed a thought popped in my mind (as thoughts often do right before bedtime), “there are so many things to do as a single woman, I should make a list of all the stuff I can do, just because I can!” And so began the birth of this list.
It is by no means comprehensive but it contains ideas,

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The Stressed Out Christian

The Stressed Out Christian is typing this message at 11:58pm instead of going to bed. Her normal bedtime is 9:30pm because she knows she has to get up at 5:30am to rush to catch the 6am train to work tomorrow.
The stressed out Christian’s inner monologue is like a really bad infomercial. Racing thoughts just keep repeating until you give in and buy that thing you don’t need for 3 easy payments of $59.99 + shipping and handling.

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Relationships, Anxiety, and The Truth

Fortune cookie fortune.

It was relationship game day. The weather was a perfect 75 degrees with a 20mph cool breeze and Google maps told me there was no traffic on the drive to the playing field. I’ve been to all the practice sessions. I’ve read all the play books. I’ve had excellent coaches on the sidelines who encouraged me,

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Christmas 2016

Candleligh vigil and Christmas tree with presents.

I don’t know about you, but with all of the stuff happening with the election and with the business of life, Christmas came and went FAST this year.
Nevertheless, I was able to pause for a minute and enjoy being around family. This year was the first year where I was the only sibling in attendance.

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‘Tis the season for giving

One of the reasons I enjoy the holiday season is because of the many opportunities to give. I give regularly and consistently throughout the year, but these months are extra special because I feel like I can contribute to someone’s direct, physical need(s). I am given the opportunity to do something for someone that is fun and rewarding.

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Treat Yourself

Close-up picture of a platter of vanilla cupcakes with vanilla frosting topped with fresh berries.

Last night I had a “moment.”
What is a “moment?” For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, it’s the dreaded feeling that hits you when you are by yourself on the couch (or in your car, room, toilet, wherever) and you start to reflect on your life and how it’s not what you imagined.

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